

Can you live to 122 years old?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Can you live to 122 years old?
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No human has been recorded to live anywhere near 1000 years. The official world record for the oldest person ever is 122 years and 164 days.

What is the recored age of the oldest human to live to?

they are 121 years old and they lived in japan

Can people in 2015 live to be 900 years old?

No, the oldest person to have ever lived was Jeanne Louise Calment who was 122 years 164 days old when she died. Even with todays advances in medical science to live for 900 years is just not possible.

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122 years old

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yes, humans can live for more than 100 years. there are some people around that world at this moment in life that are over 100 years old. I believe the oldest human being ever was 122 years old.

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122 years

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Yes. Although the average human lifespan is 66 years, the oldest human ever lived to be 122 years old.

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No human has ever lived to be that old. The oldest human on record was Jeanne Calmont who died aged 122 in France.

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The oldest recorded father is believed to be an Indian farmer who was around 96 years old when his son was born in 2010. However, the exact age of the oldest father may vary as it can be difficult to verify such claims.

How old did the oldest person in the world get to be?

The oldest person in the world lived to be 122 years old. Jeanne Calment from France held the record for the longest confirmed human lifespan.

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122 years of age.

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122 years old.