

Best Answer

Of course.

Atomic weapons are just another form of armament.

I am sure that those on foot in 2000 BC didn't think it fair that others had chariots. Probably those that had bronze and wooden swords felt steel swords should be outlawed in the middle ages.

Atomic weapons probably kept Western civilization alive during the 1940s and 1950s when the greatest threat to world culture, the Soviet empire, was expansionist.

Willing as they were to expend millions of lives in conventional war, the Soviets would have been practically unstopable by the casualty squeamish American forces (for evidence note the incredible hand wringing over 2,000 military dead in over two years of combat and occupation in Iraq, a veritable drop in the bucket considering what is at stake). Atomic bombs and the American edge in that weapon kept the Soviets at bay through the 1950s until the other western nations could recover from WWII in the 1960s.

Another viewpoint: I will assume that you are also concerned about the use of the bomb on Japan in 1945. My strong opinion is that the use of the bomb shortened the war and saved Japan from far worse destruction, not to mention almost certain occupation by Soviet forces (read how they treated eastern Germans for a hint on what would have happened in Japan). Thank Goodness the bomb was ready by August 1945 and not a year or so later.

answerthe fist time? yep

but the use of them again? hell no. that would start ww3. even with the it is our goal to deture there use, not incite it

no means of death will be ever justified and there will always be new technologies for this reasons.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago


I think nuclear war cannot be justified because they could just use it as a threat and not really set it up.

I also think nuclear war cannot be justified because it can kill a whole nation and ruin the environment.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
nuclear warwe could take care of these problems without having to risk the lives of our soilders on the ground. nuclear bombs can stop an entire country in its tracks from invading.
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βˆ™ 11y ago

I believe the use of atom bombs on Japan at the end of WW2 was a justified use. But no similar situation has occurred since, nor is it likely that any circumstances would occur in the foreseeable future in which their use would again be justifiable. However one cannot fully predict future circumstances.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it cant be a just war. The results of a nuclear war would be so devastating, both sides would be slaughtered, destroyed, decimated, etc. It wouldn't be fair.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Nope Never

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Q: Can nuclear war be a just war?
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What cause of nuclear war?

There has never been a Nuclear War

What would it take to start a nuclear war?

A nuclear or biological assault could initialize a nuclear war.

How was the use of nuclear weapons involved in Korean war?

No nuclear weapons were used in the Korean War.....

What is a nuclur war?

A misspelling of Nuclear War.

Can any country could dare to start a nuclear war?

The only country with nuclear weapons who can dare to start a nuclear war is Pakistan coz they have no brains

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Why people not understand the meaning of nuclear war?

because they are stupid and they dont realize that if we DID have a nuclear war they would be blasted off the planet of the earth and billions of trillions of people would die. nuclear war is NOT an option for war. but war in general is just plain dumb anyway thoguh.

What is nuclear war?

A Nuclear War is something that can destroy us all. It is more powerful than the strongest weapons we have. A Nuclear War happens when a country launches a Nuclear Weapon to another country. According to theories and predictions, a Nuclear War can last for two days.! In just two days, the smoke CAN spread and cause radiation in our atmosphere, making it so we can't breathe oxygen.

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as you have been getting that message are they the same questions asked well no. you see they ask for countries, and this asks for just were there nuclear weapons? No there was not any nuclear weapons just threatening

Is the nuclear war really scary?

Yes. Everyone is very scared of the nuclear war, once the nuclear war have broken out no one will survive. Hope that the nuclear war will not happen.

When was No Nuclear War created?

No Nuclear War was created in 1987.

What cause of nuclear war?

There has never been a Nuclear War

What factors led to the confrontaion of the superpowers during the Cold War?

Nuclear weapons led to the cold war. Noting else. No nukes, no cold war. If nuclear weapons did not exist, the US and USSR may have fought a regular conventional war, just like WW2...only it would have been called WW3. Nuclear weapons led to the cold war. Noting else. No nukes, no cold war. If nuclear weapons did not exist, the US and USSR may have fought a regular conventional war, just like WW2...only it would have been called WW3.

What role does nuclear weapons play in modern war?

None active, just threat.

What problems did the US and Russia still have to solve after cold war?

Preventing nuclear war - A PEEx

What the definition of nuclear war?

War in which the combatants use nuclear weapons.

What would it take to start a nuclear war?

A nuclear or biological assault could initialize a nuclear war.

How big was the nuclear bomb used in fallout 3?

It wasn't just one bomb.. It was a huge nuclear bombardment during the Great War with China.