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No. Today they are the largest tribe in the US with over 300,000 members. The Navajo Nation is the size of Holland and Belgium put together, 27,000 square miles. The Navajo Nation is doing well.

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9y ago

The Navajo Nation is the tribe with the largest tribal membership in the United States. There are over 300,000 enrolled members. The vast majority live on or near the Navajo Nation which stretches across three States (Arizona, Utah and New Mexico) and is 27,000 square miles. That is the same size as Holland and Belgium combined or New England without Maine. The majority of Navajo speak the Navajo language which is in the Athabascan language family. In Navajo the language is called Dine' bizaad and the Navajo people called are Dine'. The mark means that vowel is a high tone as Navajo is a tonal language. The Navajo have an elected tribal government with a president and vice president and a Tribal council which is the legislative branch. They have a justice system and Navajo police force. There is a tribal college and radio stations and newspaper, The Navajo Times. Navajo traditional religion and healing ceremonies are still commonly held and Navajo philosophy is still very important. Navajo rugs and jewelery are very much prized.

They are very very much still alive.

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