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Yes, there are millions of real people who follow the Hindu religion. It is a question of Faith and Faith is to Beleive. You believe it to be True, so therefore it exists. Who is to say you are wrong to Believe in Shiva as an aspect of your own personality - Self. Believe in Self. Thou art God in whichever mask you prefer to wear. You Have the Responsibilites of a God. Be Cool - But Care! Aum!

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12y ago

While every christian individually makes up his or her mind as to his or her beliefs, the general belief of Christianity is that there is one single God. Therefore, no, they do not believe that Hindu gods are real.

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12y ago


People of Monotheistic religions believe that Hindu gods are false because,

1. They are based on the Vedas, Upanishads, etc which, according to them are false

2. They don't impose a code of conduct

3. They are human like, have many heads and arms, have colors a human being can't have and may have animal heads. Shiva has a crescent moon and river Ganges on his head.

4. Come live in this world with human beings

5. The supreme god is same as 'I' (I am the supreme god).

6. There are many supreme gods viz. Brahman, Shiva, Vishnu (and his incarnation Krishna)


  1. Vedas and Upanishads are Shrutis. What is written in them can only be felt but can never be thought about or discussed
  2. Logic looks at similarities and reasoning looks at differences.

Vedas are based on logic. As soon as we know the literal meaning of all the 72, 000 Vedic mantras we must try to know what is common to similar/ all Vedic mantras. We should never use the literal meaning of any Vedic mantra.

An example would enable us to know the difference it would make if we use reasoning instead of logic.

The numbers 6, 9 and 12, according to reasoning, are three different numbers. However, according to logic they are just one single number viz. 3! It is for this reason that people who read the Vedas become totally confused.


In Hinduism code of conduct is replaced with seven basic Hindu gods.

They are,

1. Indra - god of dreaming -3

2. Shakti - god of illusion -2

3. Brahma - god of creativity -1

4. Vishnu - god of stability -1+1=0

5. Shiva - god of determination +1

6. Shani - god of status change +2

7. Yama - god of compulsion +3

Brahman -3-2-1+0+1+2+3 =0

The number indicates magnitude of facilitation and (-) indicates retardation

Under Chaotic conditions a Hindu uses peripheral gods and as conditions become better, uses more central gods.

Yama is the most powerful for action and Indra, for rest. However, both are practically impossible to control. The aim in Hinduism is to use gods that facilitate/ retard to the least extent. Thus, in Hinduism, Brahman is the supreme god.

The advantage of use of gods instead of code of conduct is that,

1. There is absolute freedom under chaotic conditions and great discipline under ideal conditions.

2. Thinking remains unaffected even under extreme conditions

3. The gods enable a Hindu take what exactly he wants


The seven Hindu gods represent seven basic forces within us. A Hindu can't select the basic force he wishes to have. The statue of a Hindu god is so created that looking at it a Hindu would have the basic force associated with it. The statue also enables him to use the basic force in the virtual mode only.


According to Hinduism, Rama and Krishna are Historical persons. This belief wouldn't make sense to non Hindus because both are eternal and being gods, can't be expected to use reasoning and make mistakes like human beings.

It must be mentioned here that Hindu gods come to earth to restore Dharma, only when Hinduism is ruled by Adharma or exaggerated indiscipline. This happens when Hinduism becomes highly disadvantageous to those at the bottom.

In Hinduism Brahmanas use logic and Shudras use reasoning.

'God on earth' simply means 'God who uses reasoning instead of logic' i.e. a god who solves problems one by one instead of solving all of them simultaneously.

Reasoning gives illusory equality. When Hindu at the bottom start realizing this, they would once again start following Dharma. The god would then return to heaven.


Use of all the seven basic Hindu gods make life totally controllable. However, a single god makes life simple.

Brahman is the supreme god of Hinduism. It opposes any change in life and thus ideally suited when life is perfect. Under practical conditions making Shiva or Krishna the supreme god enables a Hindu to have simplicity, discipline and some freedom.


As in Monotheistic religions, the single Hindu god Brahman is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.

The unique feature of Hinduism is that it supposes 'I' and supreme god are one and the same.

According to Hinduism god is isometric contraction/ relaxation of our skeletal muscular system acting as a single unit (Purusha) that facilitates/ retards our actions.

Thus, Hinduism enables god to be understood thoroughly.

Therefore, Hindu gods are the most authentic gods.

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11y ago

As I've stated on similar questions, it depends on your world view. Most people who worship a particular deity or groups of deities believe their respective god or gods are real, while foreign gods are not. Practitioners of various religions have what they call "personal experiences" that tell them that their own god is real. An example of such an experience would be the Hindu concept of Darshan. This is where Hindus believe they see their god and, at the same time, are seen by their god. If all religions have such experiences, this negates the idea that only one or some of the gods are real, while the rest are fake.

More science-minded people do not believe in gods. This is because they do not feel ample evidence has been provided to accept their existence. Science deals more with phenomenon that can be measured within space and time. Beings that are said to reside outside of this physical realm would therefore be impossible to prove or disprove using science. Despite this, an anthropological and evolutionary study of human origins and culture does cast doubt on some areas of religion. I will give three examples. First, the Judeo-Christian creation story claims Yahweh (Jehovah) created man from the dust of the earth. However, the evidence for evolution shows man is derived from lower forms of primates who developed over millions of years. Second, many gods have similar names and traits that can be linguistically and culturally linked. One scholar has this to say about the links between the gods of Ancient Greece, Rome, and India:

"Zeus, the supreme god of the later Greeks, is plainly the ancient Indo-European 'sky-father,' and was brought in by the earliest Greek speakers. Zeus patēr 'Zeus the father," is the same deity as the Sanskrit Dyaus pitar and Roman Iuppiter. The names of Hera, Poseidon, and Ares are also formed from Indo-European roots" (Pomeroy, Sarah B. A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 35-36).

If such gods can be linked in this way, this means they are most likely based on far older concepts and are nonexistent. This leads me to my third point. Despite being different on the surface, the world's religions have enough universal traits to suggest that they all have a common source. Modern humans first appeared in ancient Africa around 150,000-200,000 years ago. Evidence points to them leaving for other parts of the world 50,000 years ago. They most likely brought with them their early shamanistic beliefs, which were comprised of the aforementioned universal traits. Just like language, these early beliefs splintered and snowballed into the religions that we have today. For more on this, see Before the Dawn (2006) by Nicholas Wade.

Physics says that it was possible for the singularity that spread out to become the universe could have popped into existence from nothing (see A Universe from Nothing (2012) by Lawrence Krauss). However, some physicists will tell you that they do not know what if anything existed before this time. If you are so inclined, you could believe that some deistic god or gods set the creation of the universe in motion and never interfered with any of the following events. Or, you are free to follow the creation story of your own particular religion. In conclusion, only you can answer the question for yourself.

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13y ago

Generally the gods of a religion are felt to be real by the followers of that religion. Believers of other religions often do not accept those gods as "real"

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14y ago

Those who are Hindu believe so. Depending on your age and probable longevity, you will know for sure within 7 to 10 decades.

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What does it take to be Hindu?

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